

Publicacions de recerca del grup DAMA-UPC














    • IOAgent:Leveraging the Application Analysis of Workload Effects[PDF]
      Sergio Gómez-Villamor, Jonh Tran, Steve Rees, Victor Muntés Mulero, Josep Lluís Larriba Pey. IOAgent: Leveraging the Applicaiton Analysis of Workload Effects. Technical Report UPC-DAC-RR-2005-49, Department of Computer Architecture, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, November 2005
      Tamaño del Archivo: 341.7 kb.

    • Software Trace Cache
      A. Ramírez, J.L. Larriba-Pey y M. Valero. IEEE Transactions on Computers, Enero 2005, vol 54, no 1, pp. 22-35. ISSN 0018-9340.
    • An analysis of the I/O performance of the OpenPower 710 on Linux[PDF]
      Sergio Gómez Villamor, Jonh Tran, Steve Rees, Victor Muntés Mulero, Josep Lluís Larriba-Pey. An Analysis of hte input/output performance of the OpenPower 710 on Linux. IBM Technical Report, September 2005
      Tamaño del Archivo: 200.9 kb.
    • Ad hoc Star Join Query Processing in Cluster Architectures
      J. Aguilar Saborit, V. Muntés Mulero, C. Zuzarte, J. Larriba Pey. In Proc. Of DAWAK 2005. LNCS-3589, pp. 200-209, August 2005. ISBN: 3- 54028558-X.
    • Ad-hoc star join processing in Clusters of SMP[PDF]
      osep Aguilar Saborit,Victor Muntés Mulero, Josep L. Larriba-Pey, Calisto Zuzarte. Ad-hoc star hash join processing in Clusters of SMP. Technical Report, Department of Computer Architecture, Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). UPC-DAC-RR-GEN-2005-4.
      Tamaño del Archivo: 476.6 kb.
    • On the use of bit filters in shared nothing partitioned systems
      J. Aguilar-Saborit, V. Muntés-Mulero, C. Zuzarte, H. Pereyra, J. Larriba-Pey. In Proceedings of IWIA 2005, pp. 29-37. September 2005. ISBN: 0-7695-2483-4.
    • Genetic Evolution in Query Optimization: an extended analysis of a genetic optimizer[PDF]
      Victor Muntés Mulero, Josep Aguilar Saborit, Calisto Zuzarte, Volker Markl, Josep Lluís Larriba Pey. Genetic evolution in query optimization: an extended anaysis of a genetic optimizer. UPC-DAC-RR-2005-21.
      Tamaño del Archivo: 1.3 Mb.
    • An IO-based Cost Model for the Carquinyoli Genetic[PDF]
      Victor Muntés Mulero, Josep Aguilar, Calisto Zuzarte, Josep L. Larriba Pey. An IO-based Cost Model for the Carquinyoli Genetic Optimizer. Technical Report. Department of Computer Architecture, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, 2005.
      Tamaño del Archivo: 111.1 kb.






    • The Effect of Code Reordering on Branch Prediction
      A. Ramírez, J. Larriba-Pey and M. Valero, The Effect of Code Reordering on Branch Prediction. Proceedings of the Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT-00), pp. 189-198, October 2000. Pittsburgh, USA. ISBN 0-7695-0622-4.
    • On the Performance of Fetch Engines Running DSS Workloads
      C. Navarro, A. Ramirez, J. Larriba-Pey and M. Valero, Proceedings of the EUROPAR Conference, LNCS-1900, pp. 591-595. August 2000, München, Germany. ISBN 3-540-67956-1.
    • A Stream Processor Front-end
      A.Ramírez, J.L.Larriba-Pey and M.Valero. IEEE Technical Committee on Computer Architecture Newsletter, pp. 10-13, June 2000.
    • Trace cache redundancy: Red & Blue traces[PDF]
      A. Ramírez, J. Larriba-Pey and M. Valero, Trace cache redundancy: Red and Blue traces. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-6), pp. 325-333, January 2000, Toulouse, France. ISBN 0-7695-0550-3
      Tamaño del Archivo: 96.8 kb.










    Doctoral theses

    Author: Daniel Jiménez
    Advisors: Juan José Navarro and Josep Lluis Larriba Pey.
    Date: May 2004.
    Size: 1.4 Mb.


    Author: Josep Aguilar Saborit
    Advisors: Josep Lluis Larriba Pey.
    Date: May 2006
    Size: 1.5 Mb.

    Author: Victor Muntés Mulero
    Advisors: Josep Lluís Larriba Pey, Marta Pérez Casany.
    Date: 2007
    Size: 4 Mb.

    Master theses

    Author: Arnau Prat Pérez
    Advisors: Josep Lluís Larriba Pey, David Domínguez Sal.
    Date: June 2010.
    Size: 1.4 Mb.
    Author: Joan Guisado Gámez.

    Advisors: Victor Muntés Mulero, Josep Lluís Larriba Pey.
    Date: Febrer 2011.
    Size: 10 Mb.

    Author: Sergio López Montolio.
    Advisors: Josep Lluís Larriba Pey and David Dominguez Sal.
    Date Jannuary 2013.
    Size: 1.2Mb.