


DAMA-UPC, the DAta MAnagement group at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) is part of the Computer Architecture Department (DAC). The work of our group focuses on the research and technology transfer in topics related to Smart Mobiliy and Graph Databases applications & analysis.

DAMA-UPC is a member of Tecnio since 2005. Tecnio is an initiative of ACCIO, the Agency for Innovation and Internationalization of the catalan enterprise, belonging to Generalitat de Catalunya. DAMA-UPC is suported by Generalitat de Catalunya as a Consolidated Research Group (SGR-1187), by the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain through an I+D project (TIN2009-14560-C03-03) coordinated with Fundació Barcelona Media of UPF and Universidade da Coruña.


The UPC Technology Center (CIT UPC) is a non-profit entity, attached to the UPC, dedicated to applying university research capabilities to innovation in business. The aim of the CIT UPC is to promote greater business competitiveness by creating, developing and implementing in companies differential technological knowledge that is generated in the UPC’s research and development centres, particularly those that are members of the CIT. We are one of the research centres from CIT-UPC and have collaborated with other centers in joint projects. 

Starting September 2011, DAMA-UPC starts collaborating in the research projects of CA Technologies new European Research centre in the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.BarcelonaTech. The projects address security and privacy in a cloud environment, cloud forensics, machine translation tools for multi-lingual product localization, efficient visualization of very large systems, and new IT business models.

Although our group is focused on research aspects, we feel commited to the society and care for technology transfer. Our group has created Sparsity Technologies a spin-out company from the university, that since March 2010 develops, supports & commercializes the technologies developed at DAMA-UPC. 

DAMA-UPC and Sparsity work together and separately in several European Projects, the good work has been recognised nominating Sparsity as the SME with the highest Innovation capacity in 2015.  Read more about the Projects by DAMA-UPC and TTX by Sparsity

Starting in September 2017 DAMA-UPC belongs to the TETRAMAX implementation of the European Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) initiative, becoming one of its Competence Centers in Europe and also a local Help Desk for its Open Calls.


TETRAMAX focuses on the domain of customized low energy computing (CLEC) for Cyber-physical systems and the Internet of Things within the framework of the European "Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE)" initiative. 


With a mission to boost innovation and bridge industries, SMEs, academics and technology providers, TETRAMAX seeks to reinforce the science, technology and business in customized low-energy computing in Europe. As a leading Digital Innovation Hub in CLEC, it facilitates digitalization for SMEs in particular.